Emergency plans are developed and implemented here. The plans are based on identified risks and established routines for dealing with emergency situations. Any fires or incidents that could have caused a fire are documented. The documentation includes a root cause analysis and corrective and preventive actions.
An adequate number of workers in each work area, covering all shifts, are trained to use the firefighting equipment. The training covers how to use the firefighting equipment installed at the site and is conducted at least once every 24 months.
Emergency exits and routes ensure a fast and safe evacuation of all workers, are marked with luminescent or illuminated signs visible from the main aisles. There is an independent and functioning evacuation alarm with continuous sound to notify all workers about an emergency situation and to ensure a fast and safe evacuation. The alarm can function also during power-cuts. Evacuation drills involving all shifts and departments and as many workers as possible are performed at least once every 12 months. During an evacuation designated persons are responsible for ensuring that all workers have evacuated the building.